Part 1. Present your Results


The final assignment of this course has two parts. First, you will individually present the results of your research during our in-class colloquium on human development and data science. The colloquium will be held on Wednesday, November 18th from 9AM until noon.


Over the course of this semester you have defined a development related problem, critically analyzed the literature about that problem, developed your central research question, interpreted at least two data science methods that answer in part that question and have suggested a research gap. Now, we will hold a colloquium where you will present your results. Each student will need to write an abstract that represents the sum of the work to be presented. Then each student will need to prepare a 10 minute presentation on their individual work. Finally, you will present your work as part of our 2-day, in-class colloquium.

Step 1. Write an abstract and give your presentation a title

Draft an abstract and give your presentation a title. Review and edit your abstract, which should be less than a page in length, single spaced. Write your abstract, including title, your name and the date you will present. Post your abstract to your index by midnight Sunday, November 15th.

Step 2. Prepare the slides for your presentation

Prepare to speak for 10 minutes and include a presentation slide that addresses each of the following elements from your research.

  • An introduction to your selected human development topic. Identify salient harms, quantify their significance and describe the inherent and complex nature of the geospatial human development process you have been investigating. Identify the type of inquiry you have selected for your investigation and justify your answer. Elucidate your research in terms of scope, processes, hierarchy or dynamics. Permutate through the details of your human development process in order to identify, describe, analyze and possibly infer inherent, systematic and native intricacies.
  • State the two geospatial data science methods you selected. Identify and describe data sources used as well as incorporated variables and methods of sensing or collection. Describe what each method does and how it advances an improved understanding of your selected human development process. Identify the most salient findings resulting from the application of your data science methods. Be sure to use formulas, tables, charts, graphs and maps as needed.
  • Identify an area of the literature that requires further investigation. Discuss how data or models fail to describe, analyze or predict some essential element of your selected geospatial human development process. Align your central research question such that it addresses your defined research gap. Position this newly formed central research question in relation to both the broader and more specific questions you had previously articulated.
  • Propose a research plan that you will implement in order to answer your central research question. Focus on the design of the plan rather than cost. Keep in mind a 1 year time frame from the point of approval and funding to achieving planned goals and objectives.

Post a final draft of your slides to slack by midnight the day before your presentation.

Step 3. Present your research during the colloquium

Come prepared to present your work at the agreed upon time. Each speaker will have 10 minutes to present their work, which will be followed by a brief question and answer session. Questions will be randomly selected from the audience, so please plan to be present.