Regress the data from two variables against each other and examine the coorelationship that is being described by the two variables. Use the geom_point() command to add the points for your two variables as well as the geom_smooth() command to add the regression line (as well as the confidence interval).

ggplot(lbr_adm2, aes(pop19, ntl)) + geom_point(size = .1, color = "red") + geom_smooth()

Estimate the parameters of your model using the lm() command and then return a summary() to find out more information regarding the model's fit and capacity to explain the coorelationship between your two selected variables.

fit <- lm(pop19 ~ ntl, data=lbr_adm2) summary(fit)

Add a few more variables to the lm() command. For example in the following plot I have estimated a regression model where the population of Liberia in 2019 is the dependent variable (response), while night time lights (ntl), urban cover (dst190), and bare cover (dst200) are the independent variables (predictors).

ggplot(lm(pop19 ~ ntl + dst190 + dst200, data=lbr_adm2)) + geom_point(aes(x=.fitted, y=.resid), size = .1) + geom_smooth(aes(x=.fitted, y=.resid))

Again estimate the model and check the fit.

fit <- lm(pop19 ~ ntl + dst190 + dst200, data=lbr_adm2) summary(fit)

Finally, add all of the variables to your regression model. Compare the results.

ggplot(lm(pop19 ~ water + dst011 + dst040 + dst130 + dst140 + dst150 + dst160 + dst190 + dst200 + topo + slope + ntl, data=lbr_adm2)) + geom_point(aes(x=.fitted, y=.resid), size = .1) + geom_smooth(aes(x=.fitted, y=.resid))

fit <- lm(pop19 ~ water + dst011 + dst040 + dst130 + dst140 + dst150 + dst160 + dst190 + dst200 + topo + slope + ntl, data=lbr_adm2) summary(fit)

Team Challenge Question

Also use ggplot() to plot two linear models. Use the fit() and summary() commands to describe your models. Are you able to definitively identify coorelation between population and any of the other or combination of other land use and land cover geospatial covariates? How about density?

Meet with your group and prepare four different plots from at least three different countries (or team members) for the Friday informal group presentation. Then as a group, upload all 5 team members plots to #data100_igps (informal group presentations) by Sunday night. Each member should upload at least two combined histogram / density plots as well as two linear model plots.

Individual Stretch Goal 1

Manually recreate the ggplot() model of your regression from above. First identify the fitted.values as a variable in the model you named fit. Use the $ operator to identify the variable within the model object and return all of the values.


Send this object$variable directly to the console and review the results. You should have the same number of fitted values as subdivisions within your adm2. Each individual fitted value is calculated by multiplying each variables' estimate (or coefficient) by the actual value for that observation (or row) and then summating the total of those products.

Likewise, manually calculate each individual model residual by subtracting all of the values for the dependent or response variable, pop19, from each cooresponding calculated, fitted value. The difference of these two outcomes are the model residuals.

your_adm2$pop19 - name_of_model$variable.with.fitted.values

Plot the two variables as a ggplot object. First create a data.frame using the command. Name each of the new columns within your data frame accordingly.

model_data <- = name_of_model$variable.with.fitted.values, residuals = your_adm2$pop19 - name_of_model$variable.with.fitted.values)

Use ggplot() to plot your model.

ggplot(data = you_data_frame, aes(x = variable, y = variable)) + geom_point(size = 0.25) + geom_smooth(size = 0.5)

The three observations beneath the curve before it begins to rise seem to evidence the final contributions to the model before it transitions towards the observation for Monrovia. Add labels to these four points, by using the subset() command and creating a new object that you will use to annotate each of those four observations.

text <- subset(model_data, fitted > add_value_here)

Use this new object to plot the names of these four observations from the data.

ggplot(data = your_data, aes(x = variable, y = variable)) + geom_point(size = 0.25) + geom_smooth(size = 0.5) + geom_text(data = your_data, aes(x = variable, y = variable, label = name), size = 2, nudge_y = value)

Likewise manually calculate residual standard error.

#How to calculate Residual Standard error (Like Standard Deviation) k <- length(fit$coefficients)-1 #Subtract one to ignore intercept SSE <- sum(fit$residuals^2) n <- length(fit$residuals) #Residual Standard Error sqrt(SSE/(n-(1+k)))

Also, manually calculate multiple R^2.

#Multiple R-Squared (Coefficient of Determination) SSyy <- sum((lbr_adm2$pop19 - mean(lbr_adm2$pop19))^2) SSE <- sum(fit$residuals^2) (SSyy-SSE)/SSyy #Alternatively 1-SSE/SSyy

Calculate adjusted R^2.

#Adjusted R-Squared n <- length(lbr_adm2$pop19) k <- length(fit$coefficients)-1 SSE <- sum(fit$residuals^2) SSyy = sum((lbr_adm2$pop19 - mean(lbr_adm2$pop19))^2) 1-(SSE/SSyy)*(n-1)/(n-(k+1))

Calculate the F-statistic.

#F-Statistic ((SSyy-SSE)/k) / (SSE/(n-(k+1)))

Finally, manually add the adjusted R^2 and F-statistic as labels to your plot.

ggplot(data = model_data, aes(x = fitted, y = residuals)) + geom_point(size = 0.25) + geom_smooth(size = 0.5) + geom_text(data = text, aes(x = fitted, y = residuals, label = adm1), size = 2, nudge_y = 7500) + geom_text(aes(x = 500000, y = 25000, label = "Adjusted R-Squared")) + geom_text(aes(x = 500000, y = 0, label = round(as.numeric(summary(fit)[9]), 4))) + geom_text(aes(x = 500000, y = -40000, label = "F-statistic")) + geom_text(aes(x = 500000, y = -65000, label = round(as.numeric(summary(fit)[[10]][1]), 4)))

Modeling & Predicting Spatial Values

In this lab, you will use the model parameters your previously estimated in order to predict spatial values across the landscape of your selected LMIC. To do this create a new script, install and load needed packages and libraries, and set your working directory. Once you have your script set up with sf:: , raster::, tidyverse::, doParallel::, and snow:: all in place, again load your RasterStack into your RStudio workspace. I named my 12 layer RasterStack that describes land use and land cover throughout Liberia, lulc, and just as before it displays the following summary characteristics.

Also, load the adm0 (or international boundary), adm1 and adm2 for your LMIC. If you don't have your international boundary, go back to GADM, HDX or also look on Geoboundaries for the shapefile in order to import to your RStudio work session.

{% embed url="" caption="Link to GADM" %}

{% embed url="" caption="Link to HDX" %}

{% embed url="" caption="Geoboundaries subdirectory with shapefiles by ISO code" %}

For this exercise, I will retrieve my international border shapefile from the Geoboundaries subdirectory and then use the read_sf() command to import the data as an object I named lbr_int.

You will also need the WorldPop raster later in the exercise in order to calculate a basic estimate of spatial error. To improve upon the predictive capability of the model, I have gone back and retrieved the 2015 WorldPop raster file of persons per pixel (ppp) for Liberia, rather than the 2019 population counts we previously used. It is probably not going to have a huge impact, but if you want to try for the best results, the date value of your response variable should be the same as the date value of your geospatial covariates.

lbr_pop15 <- raster("lbr_ppp_2015.tif")

You may have noticed when reviewing the characteristics of your RasterStack that many of the layers had ? as the value for both the min values and max values. The reason this occurred is because each of the layers within the raster is presenting values outside of the boundaries of our LMIC. For example, with Liberia, you will notice that there is a large portion of the area within the plot but outside of the national border that has some assigned value (likely NA). These values are not part of our analytical area and should be omitted. In order to fix this problem, we need to use the mask() command to remove all of the gridcells that are not explicitly within the international border of our LMIC.

yourRasterStack <- add_command_here(yourRasterStack, yourLMIC_intlborder)

It might take a few minutes to run the mask() command. On a MBAir using the mask() command on a 12 layer RasterStack (each layer having about 25 million gridcells) it takes about 10 minutes. Once the command is completed, you should now notice min values and max values when retrieving a summary of what has now been transformed from a RasterStack to a RasterBrick.

As in the previous exercise, estimate your linear model using the pop15 variable as your response (dependent variable) and all of the covariates from your adm2 sf object as the predictors (independent variables).

model <- add_command_here(depvar ~ ind1 + ... + indN, data=your_adm2_sf)

Once you have estimated your model, use the summary() command to review a summary of its characteristics.

Confirm that each variable in your lulc object has a corresponding variable in the linear model you just estimated. You will use these estimates with the 12 different geospatial coverariate layers within your RasterBrick to predict the population at each gridcell across your LMIC. Use the predict() function from the raster:: package with your lulc object as well as your model to predict the population value of every gridcell within the borders of your LMIC.

predicted_values <- library::function(RasterBrick, your_model, progress="window")

Adding the progress="window" argument at the end of the command should force a progress window to appear on main desktop that informs you of how many steps are needed to completely execute the command as well as how many have been completed. The progress="window" argument is purely optional.

The resulting object predicted_values should be a single RasterLayer with the same number of gridcells as each layer within your RasterBrick. Type the name of the RasterLayer into the console to review its summary output, while also noting the minimum and maximum values across all gridcells.

Use the cellStats(predicted_values, sum) command to calculate the sum of all the values in every gridcell throughout your newly created RasterLayer. With the model estimated for Liberia, the sum total of all predicted values is 113413402375(113 billion). Compared with the output from sum(your_adm2$pop15) (which is 4039128for Liberia) your will very likely that your model has massively overestimated population values (in this case by an order of about 28,000 times).

While these predicted values are no where near the real population count at each gridcell, they do nonetheless provide a spatial description of the proportion of persons as distributed across the landscape of your LMIC. In fact, if we execute some basic raster algebra and subtract the minimium value from my predicted_values RasterLayer and then sum the values of all gridcells, we will find that while the total population predicted is still very likely a gross overestimation, it is getting closer to our best estimate of the real value (in the case of Liberia, now an order of 15 times pop15).

base <- predicted_values - minValue(predicted_values) cellStats(base, sum)

We will proceed with the RasterLayer by using the extract()command to assign the ID from each adm2 object to each gridcell containing a predicted value from our linear model using the lulc geospatial covariates as indenpendent variables. To effectively use the extract() command, set ncores object to one less than your total and then also execute the beginCluster() command as you have done in previous exercises. In this case, since it is only one layer, the extract command should take less time to execute (about 10 to 15 minutes on an MBAir).

ncores <- detectCores() - 1 beginCluster(ncores) pred_vals_adm2 <- raster::extract(your_pred_vals_raster, your_adm2, df=TRUE) endCluster()

Once you have assigned the ID to each gridcell according to its adm2 location, aggregate the values. This time we will use a slightly different command to sum the values by adm2 unit, although either way could work. Also, bind this new column to your adm2 sf object.

pred_ttls_adm2 <- aggregate(. ~ ID, pred_vals_adm2, sum) lbr_adm2 <- bind_cols(lbr_adm2, pred_ttls_adm2)

Your sf object now has a new column named layer that has the sum of all predicted values for each adm2 subdivision of the LMIC. Assign the value for layer to each gridcell according to its adm2 subdivision. Use the rasterize() command with your adm2 object and your predicted_values raster in order to create a new raster that has the predicted totals of every adm2 assigned to each gridcell according to its location. The raster object used in the argument (in this case predicted_values) is the base template for the new raster produced as a result of the command.

new_raster <- command(adm2, template_raster, field = "layer")

Create a new raster that represents each gridcells proportion of the total within its adm2 subdivision.

another_new_raster <- raster_1 / raster_2

Again use the rasterize() command to assign a value to every gridcell according to its adm2 location, but this time use the pop15 variable.

yet_another_new_raster <- command(adm2, template_raster, field = "pop15")

Distribute the adm2 populatoin totals across each gridcell according to its fractional proportion of summed predicted population (also at adm2), multiply the proportion by the totals.

population <- gridcell_proportions * population_adm2

Confirm your results by evaluating the totals.

cellStats(population, sum) [1] 4039128

R should return the same total previously used when you calcualte sum(your_adm2$pop15).

Investigate Margins of Error

Our model is serving to allocate population totals across all gridcells, but how accurate is it? To start we can calculate the different of our predicted values - the worldpop values and sum the totals.

diff <- population - lbr_pop15

In order to establish a basis for comparing total error across your LMIC take the absolute value of the differences and sum them to arrive a term that represnts total error.

cellStats(abs(diff), sum)

Taking the hist(diff) will also inform you of the magnitude and direction of error in your predicted values. Use the plot(diff) command to have a look at the resulting raster.

By looking at the histogram and the above difference of predicted value from worldpop raster it appears that most of the error is slightly above or below 0, and is also distributed fairly evenly across the entire space. Looking closely though, the area close to the southwest coast appears to exhibit a different phenomenon. This is the capital of Liberia, Monrovia. For your investigation, select the primary urban area and conduct the same analysis as follows.

First subset your adm2 by using the name of the administrative subdivision.

new_name <- your_adm2 %>% filter(name_var == "Add Name Here")

Use the mask() command with this newly created sf object to focus your analysis on the primate city within your LMIC.

urban_diff <- mask(diff, urban_adm2) urban_pop <- mask(population, urban_adm2)

Create an object the defines the boundaries of your identified urban area. The bounding box used in your crop() command should be defined according the following order.

c(western_most_longitude, eastern_most_longitude, southern_most_latitude, northern_most_latitude)

Following is the bounding box and crop() command used for Monrovia, Liberia.

extGMN <- c(-10.83, -10.64, 6.20, 6.42) gmonrovia_diff <- crop(gmonrovia_diff, extGMN) gmonrovia_pop <- crop(gmonrovia_pop, extGMN)

Plot your Monrovia rasters.

Error in terms of Predicted Values - WorldPop estimates

Finally, plot a three dimension map of the values, to gauge exactly how much variation was exhibited in the predicted values. Install and load the rgl:: and rasterVis:: libraries in order to execute the following command.


Finally, add the tmap:: library and overlay your differences plot.

mapview::mapview(gmonrovia_diff, alpha = .5)

Do you identify a geospatial trend associated with the error resulting from your predicted values?

Team Challenge Question

Follow the steps from above used to produce the plots describing Liberia, but instead each team member should use their own selected LMIC country. Investigate the results from your model at different scales and locations across your selected LMIC. How effective was your model? Do you identify any trends? Produce a variety of plots that investigate, describe and analyze your dasymmetric population allocation using a linear model with land use and land cover geospatial covariates. Investigate at least two different locations and two different scales. Use adm1, adm2 or adm3 units of analysis, either in combination or alone to define the boundaries of your analysis.

Meet with your group and prepare to present three different plots from at least three different countries (or team members) for the Friday informal group presentation. You are welcome to combine output from the previous Project 2 exercise (part 1) as you wish. Then as a group, upload all 5 team members plots to #data100_igps (informal group presentations) by Sunday night. Each member should upload at least four plots that describe at least two different locations of differing scales within your LMIC.

Investigating and Comparing Results

Load all of your covariates, import your adm0 (international boundary) to crop() and mask() your RasterBrick and then use writeRaster() to save it. Later, use the brick() function to import your RasterBrick to your RStudio work session as needed. Make sure the layers in your RasterBrick are named after using the brick() command. Use the names() command to name your layers.

f <- list.files(pattern="lbr_esaccilc_dst", recursive=TRUE) lulc <- stack(lapply(f, function(i) raster(i, band=1))) nms <- sub("_100m_2015.tif", "", sub("lbr_esaccilc_", "", f)) names(lulc) <- nms topo <- raster("lbr_srtm_topo_100m.tif") slope <- raster("lbr_srtm_slope_100m.tif") ntl <- raster("lbr_viirs_100m_2015.tif") lulc <- addLayer(lulc, topo, slope, ntl) names(lulc)[c(1,10:12)] <- c("water","topo","slope", "ntl") lbr_adm0 <- read_sf("gadm36_LBR_0.shp") lulc <- crop(lulc, lbr_adm0) lulc <- mask(lulc, lbr_adm0) writeRaster(lulc, filename = "lulc.tif", overwrite = TRUE) # lulc <- stack("lulc.tif") lulc <- brick("lulc.tif") names(lulc) <- c("water", "dst011" , "dst040", "dst130", "dst140", "dst150", "dst160", "dst190", "dst200", "topo", "slope", "ntl")

Obtain the 2015 WorldPop persons per pixel file for your LMIC. Make sure your adm sf object has the total population per subdivision as well as its area and density. Summarize all twelve geospatial covariates in adm groups by sum and by mean. Modify the following code to create your adm2 or adm3 object (you only have to select one, in the following example I have selected adm3 for Liberia).

lbr_pop15 <- raster("lbr_ppp_2015.tif") # lbr_adm1 <- read_sf("gadm36_LBR_1.shp") # lbr_adm2 <- read_sf("gadm36_LBR_2.shp") lbr_adm3 <- read_sf("gadm36_LBR_3.shp") # ncores <- detectCores() - 1 # beginCluster(ncores) # pop_vals_adm1 <- raster::extract(lbr_pop15, lbr_adm1, df = TRUE) # pop_vals_adm2 <- raster::extract(lbr_pop15, lbr_adm2, df = TRUE) # pop_vals_adm3 <- raster::extract(lbr_pop15, lbr_adm3, df = TRUE) # endCluster() # save(pop_vals_adm1, pop_vals_adm2, pop_vals_adm3, file = "lbr_pop_vals.RData") load("lbr_pop_vals.RData") # totals_adm1 <- pop_vals_adm1 %>% # group_by(ID) %>% # summarize(pop15 = sum(lbr_ppp_2015, na.rm = TRUE)) # # lbr_adm1 <- lbr_adm1 %>% # add_column(pop15 = totals_adm1$pop15) # # lbr_adm1 <- lbr_adm1 %>% # mutate(area = st_area(lbr_adm1) %>% # set_units(km^2)) %>% # mutate(density = pop15 / area) # totals_adm2 <- pop_vals_adm2 %>% # group_by(ID) %>% # summarize(pop15 = sum(lbr_ppp_2015, na.rm = TRUE)) # # lbr_adm2 <- lbr_adm2 %>% # add_column(pop15 = totals_adm2$pop15) # # lbr_adm2 <- lbr_adm2 %>% # mutate(area = st_area(lbr_adm2) %>% # set_units(km^2)) %>% # mutate(density = pop15 / area) totals_adm3 <- pop_vals_adm3 %>% group_by(ID) %>% summarize(pop15 = sum(lbr_ppp_2015, na.rm = TRUE)) lbr_adm3 <- lbr_adm3 %>% add_column(pop15 = totals_adm3$pop15) lbr_adm3 <- lbr_adm3 %>% mutate(area = st_area(lbr_adm3) %>% set_units(km^2)) %>% mutate(density = pop15 / area) #save(lbr_adm1, lbr_adm2, lbr_adm3, file = "lbr_adms.RData") # lulc <- brick("lulc.tif") # names(lulc) <- c("water", "dst011" , "dst040", "dst130", "dst140", "dst150", # "dst160", "dst190", "dst200", "topo", "slope", "ntl") # ncores <- detectCores() - 1 # beginCluster(ncores) # lulc_vals_adm1 <- raster::extract(lulc, lbr_adm1, df = TRUE) # lulc_vals_adm2 <- raster::extract(lulc, lbr_adm2, df = TRUE) # lulc_vals_adm3 <- raster::extract(lulc, lbr_adm3, df = TRUE) # endCluster() # save(lulc_vals_adm1, lulc_vals_adm2, lulc_vals_adm3, file = "lulc_vals_adms.RData") load("lulc_vals_adms.RData") # lulc_ttls_adm1 <- lulc_vals_adm1 %>% # group_by(ID) %>% # summarize_all(sum, na.rm = TRUE) # lulc_ttls_adm2 <- lulc_vals_adm2 %>% # group_by(ID) %>% # summarize_all(sum, na.rm = TRUE) lulc_ttls_adm3 <- lulc_vals_adm3 %>% group_by(ID) %>% summarize_all(sum, na.rm = TRUE) lulc_means_adm3 <- lulc_vals_adm3 %>% group_by(ID) %>% summarize_all(mean, na.rm = TRUE) # lbr_adm1 <- bind_cols(lbr_adm1, lulc_ttls_adm1) # lbr_adm2 <- bind_cols(lbr_adm2, lulc_ttls_adm2) lbr_adm3 <- bind_cols(lbr_adm3, lulc_ttls_adm3, lulc_means_adm3) save(lbr_adm3, file = "lbr_adm3.RData")

Load your geospatial covariate RasterBrick of land use and land cover lulc, your 2015 WorldPop raster and your adm sf object. View your adm sf object and notice that you now have two summary sets of columns that describe each of your twelve geospatial covariates. The first set of columns describes the sum of all values per adm while the second set describes the mean of all values per adm. Also notice that in the second set, each variable has had the number 1 added to its name to differentiate it from the first series.

Use the lm() function to estimate three models. First use pop15 as the response variable and the sum of each geospatial covariate per adm as the predictors. Second, again use pop15 as the response variable but this time instead use the mean of each geospatial covariate per adm as the predictors. Third, use the logarithm of 2015 population log(pop15) as the response and the mean of each geospatial covariate per adm as the predictors. Notice I created a new variable named logpop15 but you could just as easily have specified log(pop15) within the call of your model.

model.sums <- lm(pop15 ~ water + dst011 + dst040 + dst130 + dst140 + dst150 + dst160 + dst190 + dst200 + topo + slope + ntl, data=lbr_adm3) model.means <- lm(pop15 ~ water1 + dst0111 + dst0401 + dst1301 + dst1401 + dst1501 + dst1601 + dst1901 + dst2001 + topo1 + slope1 + ntl1, data=lbr_adm3) lbr_adm3$logpop15 <- log(lbr_adm3$pop15) model.logpop15 <- lm(logpop15 ~ water1 + dst0111 + dst0401 + dst1301 + dst1401 + dst1501 + dst1601 + dst1901 + dst2001 + topo1 + slope1 + ntl1, data=lbr_adm3)

Check the summary output from each model.

summary(model.sums) summary(model.means) summary(model.logpop15)

Make sure the names of each layer in your RasterBrick matches the names of the independent variables in each of your models. Notice how the second two models use the mean of each geospatial covarariate and the layer names are modified accordingly to match.

names(lulc) <- c("water", "dst011" , "dst040", "dst130", "dst140", "dst150", "dst160", "dst190", "dst200", "topo", "slope", "ntl") lulc1 <- lulc names(lulc1) <- c("water1", "dst0111" , "dst0401", "dst1301", "dst1401", "dst1501", "dst1601", "dst1901", "dst2001", "topo1", "slope1", "ntl1")

Use the predict() function from the raster:: package with the appropriate RasterBrick and model to predict each gridcells value. Use the save() and then the load() command in order to reduce computation time after restarting your work session.

predicted_values_sums <- raster::predict(lulc, model.sums) predicted_values_means <- raster::predict(lulc1, model.means) predicted_values_logpop15 <- raster::predict(lulc1, model.logpop15) #save(predicted_values_sums, predicted_values_means, predicted_values_logpop15, file = "predicted_values.RData")

Use the extract() function from the raster:: package to assign the adm ID to each gridcell. Again use the save() and load() commands to reduce computation time.

ncores <- detectCores() - 1 beginCluster(ncores) pred_vals_adm3_sums <- raster::extract(predicted_values_sums, lbr_adm3, df=TRUE) pred_vals_adm3_means <- raster::extract(predicted_values_means, lbr_adm3, df=TRUE) pred_vals_adm3_logpop15 <- raster::extract(predicted_values_logpop15, lbr_adm3, df=TRUE) endCluster() #save(pred_vals_adm3_sums, pred_vals_adm3_means, pred_vals_adm3_logpop15, file = "predicted_values_adm3s.RData")

Aggregate all values.

pred_ttls_adm3_sums <- aggregate(. ~ ID, pred_vals_adm3_sums, sum) pred_ttls_adm3_means <- aggregate(. ~ ID, pred_vals_adm3_means, sum) pred_ttls_adm3_logpop15 <- aggregate(. ~ ID, pred_vals_adm3_logpop15, sum)

Create a new data frame that contains the aggregate sums from each model's predictions.

ttls <- = pred_ttls_adm3_sums$layer, preds_means = pred_ttls_adm3_means$layer, resp_logpop = pred_ttls_adm3_logpop15$layer)

Bind the new values as columns within your adm. Notice I assigned a name to each column.

lbr_adm3 <- bind_cols(lbr_adm3, ttls)

Use the rasterize() command to create a new RasterLayer containing the predicted values from each of your models. The second object in your rasterize() command is the raster that is used as the template to produce the new raster. The values of the template raster are not used in the calculation, instead the values in the column of your adm sf object that identify the sum of predicted values from your model is used.

predicted_totals_sums <- rasterize(lbr_adm3, predicted_values_sums, field = "preds_sums") predicted_totals_means <- rasterize(lbr_adm3, predicted_values_sums, field = "preds_means") predicted_totals_logpop <- rasterize(lbr_adm3, predicted_values_sums, field = "resp_logpop")

Calculate the gridcell proportions for each result.

gridcell_proportions_sums <- predicted_values_sums / predicted_totals_sums gridcell_proportions_means <- predicted_values_means / predicted_totals_means gridcell_proportions_logpop <- predicted_values_logpop15 / predicted_totals_logpop

Check the cellStats() to confirm that the sum of each objects proportions is equal to the number of adms in your sf object.

cellStats(gridcell_proportions_sums, sum) cellStats(gridcell_proportions_means, sum) cellStats(gridcell_proportions_logpop, sum)

Produce a raster object that contains the WorldPop values we will use as our comparison spatial data set for validation.

population_adm3 <- rasterize(lbr_adm3, predicted_values_sums, field = "pop15")

Calculate the final predicted value for each gridcell according to the output from each of the three models.

population_sums <- gridcell_proportions_sums * population_adm3 population_means <- gridcell_proportions_means * population_adm3 population_logpop <- gridcell_proportions_logpop * population_adm3

Check cellStats() to verify that total population matches the initial value used in this dasymmetric allocation.

cellStats(population_sums, sum) cellStats(population_means, sum) cellStats(population_logpop, sum) sum(lbr_adm3$pop15)

Calculate the difference between each RasterLayer and the WorldPop RasterLayer.

diff_sums <- population_sums - lbr_pop15 diff_means <- population_means - lbr_pop15 diff_logpop <- population_logpop - lbr_pop15

Finally, produce a raster plot of each model's predicted output as well as the differences and a 3D plot to visualize the results.

plot(population_sums) plot(diff_sums) rasterVis::plot3D(diff_sums) cellStats(abs(diff_sums), sum) plot(population_means) plot(diff_means) rasterVis::plot3D(diff_means) cellStats(abs(diff_means), sum) plot(population_logpop) plot(diff_logpop) rasterVis::plot3D(diff_logpop) cellStats(abs(diff_logpop), sum) plot(lbr_pop15) rgl.snapshot("diff", fmt = "png", top = TRUE )

Population: Predictors - Sums

Difference: Predictors - Sums

3D Difference: Predictors - Sums

Population: Predictors - Means

Difference: Predictors - Means

3D Difference: Predictors - Means

Population: Response - Log of Population

Difference: Response - Log of Population

3D Difference: Response - Log of Population

Project 2. Individual Deliverable

Upload three sets of spatial plots that describe the predicted population of your selected LMIC using each of the three models.

  1. Response variable is population and the predictors are sum of covariates
  2. Response variable is population and the predictors are mean of covariates
  3. Reponse variable is log of population and the predictors are mean of covariates

Each of the three sets of plots should also have three plots.

  1. A plot that describes the predicted population of your LMIC using the model
  2. A plot that describes the difference between your predicted results and the WorldPop estimates for 2015
  3. A three dimension plot that visualizes the population or difference

Accompany your series of plots with a written statement that identifies which of the three models produced the best results. Justify your assessment.

Upload your deliverable to the slack channel #data100_project2 no later than 11:59PM on Sunday, October 20th.

Individual Stretch Goal 1

Conduct the same analysis as above at an increased scale, analyzing one of your LMIC's largest or most significant urban areas or cities. Subset your adm using the %>% operator and the | as needed.

mts_bomi <- lbr_adm3 %>% filter(NAME_1 == "Montserrado" | NAME_1 == "Bomi")

Use the mapview() command to identify trends and provide further support for your assessment of each model as you did in the previous execise.

mapview::mapview(gmonrovia_diff, alpha = .5)

Again compare the results. Are you able to identify any trends?

Individual Stretch Goal 2

Estimate a random forest model using the same data you previously used. Use the mean values of all grid cells within each adm as the predictors (independent variable) and the log of population as the response (dependent variable). Start by loading the World Pop raster you will use to validate your resuts against first. Then load your adm0 to use in your crop() and mask() commands. Load your adm3 that has all of your variables needed to estimate your random forest model. Also be sure to load the land use and land cover variables you will use to predict the population of each individual grid cell.

rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # install.packages("raster", dependencies = TRUE) # install.packages("sf", dependencies = TRUE) # install.packages("tidyverse", dependencies = TRUE) # install.packages("doParallel", dependencies = TRUE) # install.packages("snow", dependencies = TRUE) # install.packages("randomForest", dependencies = TRUE) #library(sp) library(sf) library(raster) library(tidyverse) library(doParallel) library(snow) library(randomForest) ### Import Administrative Boundaries ### setwd("~/Tresors/teaching/project_folder/data/") lbr_pop15 <- raster("lbr_ppp_2015.tif") lbr_adm0 <- read_sf("gadm36_LBR_0.shp") load("lbr_adm3.RData") lulc <- brick("lulc.tif") lulc <- crop(lulc, lbr_adm0) lulc <- mask(lulc, lbr_adm0)

Simplify your adm3 by extracting only the needed columns. Remove the geometry from the object by using the st_geometry() command and assigning it as NULL. Add the log of population as a variable to your newly created data set. Simply the class of your data set by rewriting it as a data.frame.

model_data <- lbr_adm3[ ,c(18:20, 35:46)] st_geometry(model_data) <- NULL model_data$logpop15 <- as.numeric(log(model_data$pop15)) model_data <-

Your object model_data should have the following structure.

Simplify the objects you will use as the predictors and response by creating two new objects. The x_data object are your predictors and coorespond to the mean values of each lulc variable at each adm. The y_data is your response variable, in this case log of population.

x_data <- model_data[ ,4:15] y_data <- model_data[ ,16]

First, tune your random forest model in order to determine which of the variables are important. The ntreeTry = argument specifies how many trees the model will estimate at the tuning step. The mtryStart = argument specifies how many variables will be tried at each split. Other arguments are also important, but you can simply follow the following chunk of code to start.

init_fit <- tuneRF(x = x_data, y = y_data, plot = TRUE, mtryStart = length(x_data)/3, ntreeTry = length(y_data)/20, imrpove = 0.0001, stepFactor = 1.20, trace = TRUE, doBest = TRUE, nodesize = length(y_data)/1000, na.action = na.omit, importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE, sampsize = min(c(length(y_data), 1000)), replace = TRUE)

After you get a result from your tuning step, check the importance scores from your model. Use importance(init_fit) to have RStudio return measures for each variable. Assign those scores to a vector and then subset using subscripting operators all variables that have a positive value. Retain only those variables that have a positive importance score.

importance_scores <- importance(init_fit) pos_importance <- rownames(importance_scores)[importance_scores[ ,1] > 0] pos_importance x_data <- x_data[pos_importance]

After respecifying your random forest model, estimate it again.

pop_fit <- tuneRF(x = x_data, y = y_data, plot = TRUE, mtryStart = length(x_data)/3, ntreeTry = length(y_data)/20, imrpove = 0.0001, stepFactor = 1.20, trace = TRUE, doBest = TRUE, nodesize = length(y_data)/1000, na.action = na.omit, importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE, sampsize = min(c(length(y_data), 1000)), replace = TRUE)

Finally, use several of the parameters from pop_fit in the arguments of your final model.

model <- randomForest(x = x_data, y = y_data, mtry=pop_fit$mtry, ntree = pop_fit$ntree, nodesize = length(y_data)/1000, importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE, do.trace = FALSE)

Check the output from your model.

print(model) plot(model) varImpPlot(model)

Capacity of RF model to explain variance with its 500 trees

Number of trees needed before Out of Bag Error stabilized

Two measures of importance for each of the predictor variables

Confirm that the names in your random forest model match those found in your rasterBrick.

names(lulc) <- c("water1", "dst0111" , "dst0401", "dst1301", "dst1401", "dst1501", "dst1601", "dst1901", "dst2001", "topo1", "slope1", "ntl1")

Now predict your population values using the model with the 12 different geospatial covariate layers.

preds_rf <- raster::predict(lulc, model)

After you have predicted your population values for each gridcell, back transform the log of population to its original estimate.

preds_rf_exp <- exp(preds_rf)

Next, extract all of the predicted values by assigning the ID for each adm unit where it is located.

ncores <- detectCores() - 1 beginCluster(ncores) preds_ttls_rf <- raster::extract(preds_rf_exp, lbr_adm3, df=TRUE) endCluster()

Aggregate all of the values by adm ID and sum.

preds_area_totals_rf <- aggregate(. ~ ID, preds_ttls_rf, sum)

Bind the columns.

lbr_adm3 <- bind_cols(lbr_adm3, preds_area_totals_rf)

Finally, rasterize() the value of the total estimates per adm and then calculate the gridcell proportionate share across the entire LMIC. Confirm that cellStats() returns a value equal to the number of adms in your LMIC.

preds_ttls <- rasterize(lbr_adm3, preds_rf, field = "layer") props <- preds_rf_exp / preds_ttls cellStats(props, sum)

Again, rasterize() population values and then multiply the gridcell proportions by the population values to estimate each gridcells proportion of the total population per gridcell.

pops <- rasterize(lbr_adm3, preds_rf, field = "pop15") gridcell_pops <- props * pops cellStats(gridcell_pops, sum)

Check cellStats() to confirm your totals match population values calculated from the WorldPop persons per pixel raster layer.

Finally, subtract the raster layer with predicted values from your random forest model from the WorldPop ppp raster layer. Calculate the sum of absolute value of differences between the two rasters.

diff <- gridcell_pops - lbr_pop15 cellStats(abs(diff), sum) rasterVis::plot3D(gridcell_pops) rasterVis::plot3D(diff)

What can you surmise? Have you improved your predictive power by applying a machine learning approach?